Advanced Concepts

The HTML Kit provides developers with easy ways to work with their data. It also provides more advanced functionalities.

Advanced Queries

Adding the class dv-get-all:inventory:products will get you data from the table products under the service inventory . This is well explained here . Its possible to craft more advanced queries using the query parameters below:

Lets assume we have an inventory service which has a table products from which a query is being made

NB: Its possible to pair up multiple parameters for a query eg: class="dv-param:search:name^shoes-param:randomize:1-get-all:inventory:products This will return results containing the name shoes in a random order. Also parameter values may be passed in via URL query strings . eg class="dv-param:search:searchQuery-get-all:inventory:products" to make this more dynamic you may pass the searchQuery via the URL using a query string eg:^shoes this will replace searchQuery with name^shoes

Intercepting Queried Data

Getting the records from a table and rendering it is straight forward. Sometimes you might want to pre-process this data before rendering. To do this you will have to intercept the query using the dvInterceptQueryResponse hook and Javascript .

Eg: Lets say we will like to capi talize every name before rendering to screen

<div class="dv-get-all:inventory:products dv-label:front_page">
    <span class="var-name"></span>
    <span class="var-price"></span>

<script type="text/javascript">
    dvInterceptQueryResponse = function(resp) {
        for( each in resp.front_page) {
            resp.front_page[each].name = resp.front_page[each].name.toLocaleUpperCase();
        return resp;

The dv-label class serves as an identifier for the query data action and makes it possible to access the record from within JavaScript

Intercepting submitted Data

<div class="dv-notify"></div>
<form class="dv-add-oneto:inventory:products dv-label:admin">
    <input type="text" name="name"><br>
    <input type="number" name="price"><br>
    <button type="submit">add</button>

<script type="text/javascript">
    dvInterceptSubmission = function(resp) {
        return resp;


The example above describe the interception of data about to be submitted to DevLess and capitalizing the name before it finally gets to DevLess.

Last updated